Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Magic of Gratitude

It's that time of year -- Thanksgiving. It's the time when we start receiving all the emails and cards from businesses thanking us for our loyalty and patronage, to the point where we are desensitized. I'm going to tell a different story today, and after you read it you will see gratitude in a whole new way.

First, I would like to thank you for being part of my list, for reading and responding to my messages (yes, I get responses quite often and welcome them). If you haven't already surmised, I love to write and teach. When people are touched by my words and moved in some way I receive a great deal of satsifaction from that. It wouldn't be possible without you.

Gratitude. Giving thanks. Being "thank-full". It's cliche at this time of year. So, let's remove the cliche right now and look deeply into what gratitude really is. Once you finish reading, I'm certain you will see the magical energy that gratitude generates and you will be excited to begin incorporating this magic into your life.

The Energy of Desire

It's human to want things. Gathering resources around us makes us feel stronger and safer. When we lack resources, we naturally feel more vulnerable. So, desire is one of the foundational energies of our lives.

We want to be loved, noticed, appreciated. We want a comfortable home to live in and enough food to sustain us.

But, "wanting" is not "having". When we want, we imply that we lack. And, when we don't have something, it is easy to become anxious about the lack of that thing in our lives.

We wish we had a higher income, we want to take that trip to Vegas in the spring but we're not sure if we will have the money. We see things our friends have, like nice cars and big houses, and we want that, too.

Unfulfilled desire, or delayed fulfillment, often creates excess tension in the body. If we allow it to, this tension will begin to affect every aspect of our lives. And, the desire itself becomes the blocking factor to us actually getting what we want.

When we constantly want more, we fall prey to the illusion that more will make us happier. "If I just had that Mercedes in that 3-car garage, then I'd be OK." But, this is an illusion. Nothing more than a fantasy.

Truthfully, the only thing that's keeping you from being OK right now is your idea that you lack something.

The Magic of Gratitude

You can stop the constant worry and anxiety at any time by being thankful for the gifts you already possess, and cultivating this thankful energy at every opportunity.

"I am thankful for the people who love me today. Thankful for those who I have the opportunity to love. Thankful for a car that gets me to my destination and back. Thankful for the music I love to listen to. Thankful for the opportunity to be kind to others."

When you cultivate gratitude, you relax, your heart opens, and you begin to find a deep well of inner peace and tranquility that you forgot was there. Suddenly there is SPACE for more to enter your life. And, undoubtedly it will, because this is simply how life works. You create space, and that which you desire naturally comes your way without effort.

THIS is the magic of gratitude. Use it starting today, and continue through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and into the New Year.

Recognize all the blessings of today. More will come tomorrow. I promise.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eating Late Not So Good for Your Weight

Back in 2005, I wrote an article describing a simple principle I had discovered about the timing of meals. Actually, it's not quite right for me to take credit for "discovering" it. This simple principle is based on the Yin/Yang concept from Traditional Chinese Medicine. I called it, at the time, "The Sun-Cycle Diet", and it is way of eating that aligns the complexity, quantity, and time of our meals with the movement of the sun through the day.

One of the KEY principles of this diet is to not eat a large meal after dark. Hence, the smallest, simplest meal of the day on this diet is dinner. This is the exact opposite of the way most people eat. Most of us eat very little to nothing for breakfast, and dinner is the big blowout meal of the day.

Well, some recent research is "proving" that I was onto something with my idea 5 years ago. Again, I'm not taking credit for this idea, for it is founded on the holistic principles of Chinese Medicine. However, I will say that nobody ever taught me this in school, and I didn't read it anywhere. I just did my best to use my common sense and come up with a way of eating that followed the Yin/Yang principles I had learned in my training.

The research points out a simple fact: Mammals (the experiment was done on mice) that are exposed to light at night gain more weight, even eating the same amounts of food. However, the mice who were exposed to light at night also tended to eat MORE if allowed to. This compounded the problem of weight gain.

Explaining this is simple from a Yin/Yang perspective. Our bodies are absolutely, irrevocably "in tune" with the Sun/Moon cycle of day and night. Our brains perceive when it is daytime, and a hormonal cascade is initiated that supports wakefulness, activity, and work. The same subtle perception of night and darkness leads to a hormonal cascade that brings rest, rejuvenation, and tissue repair.

No matter what we do, we cannot escape this evolutionary feature of our bodies. Whether we use artificial light or not, our brains "know" it is night. It is beyond just "seeing" the light. It is a perception of radiation, heat, and sun energy. So, at night our metabolism slows down as our bodies prepare for rest and recuperation, whether we are at a club, in front of the TV, at a party, in a lit building, etc...

And, it is then that most people pile the biggest, most complex meal of the day onto their waning metabolic fire. The result? Unused calories, toxic byproducts of half-metabolized foods, and increasing weight. Over the long-term this leads to all of the chronic, congestive diseases that are so rampant in our world today.

You can read my article here:

And the research I am referring to is here:

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Quantum View on How Acupuncture Works

Being an acupuncturist, I am often asked by others to explain how acupuncture works. When I was just beginning in practice, I would always start off by talking about the theory of Qi ("Chi"), the acupuncture "meridians" or channels, and how acupuncture's goal is to remove blockages from the body to allow the Qi, or Vital Energy, to flow smoothly.

While this explanation is technically correct according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (the medical system that includes acupuncture), it is hardly satisfactory to most Westerners, including myself. Even though I am a practicing acupuncturist, I still have a Western mind that is conditioned to love scientific, biological data.

After many years doing thousands of treatments, I have observed time and again acupuncture's remarkable efficacy. And, through these observations I have come to know acupuncture's mechanisms very intimately. I have seen pain disappear in the blink of an eye, and long-term chronic ailments like migraines, arthritis, and hormonal imbalance correct themselves in a matter of days or weeks. I have seen women previously unable to conceive go on to deliver beautiful, healthy babies.

Initially, these results left me dumbfounded. Even with all my training and indoctrination into the system of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, my Western brain could not comprehend how placing a few painless needles into a few points on the legs, arms, and torso could affect such a drastic change in the health of my patients.

Over the past 7 years since graduating from acupuncture school, I have taken countless courses and read many, many books on neuroendocrinology (the study of the connection between the brain, nervous system, and hormones), psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how emotions and thoughts affect the nervous system and immune function), and quantum physics. In hindsight, this was all in an attempt to better explain to myself what the heck was happening in my patients' bodies to produce these seemingly miraculous results.

Eventually I found a way to explain it to myself and my patients. And this understanding has become the foundation of how I practice every aspect of my art, including acupuncture, therapeutic nutrition, lifestyle coaching, and herbal medicine.

The explanation starts with the fact that your body is an incredibly subtle instrument of perception. In fact, its entire job is to interact with the external world while protecting itself from internal harm and healing itself when harm does occur. Your body does this every minute of every day, and will continue to do so as long as you live.

And, put simply, acupuncture amplifies this natural ability of your body to protect and heal itself, by stimulating that subtle mechanism to act when it may be having trouble getting started.

When the skin is punctured -- even with no sensation (as most of my patients experience little to no sensation with the needles) -- your nervous, immune, and circulatory systems perceive this and communicate the event to the rest of the body. The message travels literally at the speed of light, enters the brain, and from there a cascade of healing chemicals and signals are released in response. These signals are designed to enlist other parts of your body -- including glands, immune cells, bone marrow -- in a coordinated healing effort.

In short, acupuncture stimulates your body to start making and using its own medicine.

Because your body is a unified entity, all things are connected together. When that rush of medicine is released, it travels not only to the site of the acupuncture, it infuses your entire body with positive signals that unlock your healing response.

Additionally, the brain receives different signals different depending on where the needles are placed. This is because the brain knows which nerves are being stimulated, and it responds to each set of signals in a unique way, much like a radio makes different sounds based on the frequency to which it is tuned.

The end result is that with consistent, repeated acupuncture signals, your body reawakens its healing potential on multiple levels, and expresses that potential by repairing damaged tissue, calming overactive nerves, and replenishing depleted cells.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Secret to Long-Term Weight Management

The vast majority of the patients I see have some type of hormonal issue. Whether they are having difficulty getting pregnant, feeling fatigued, anxious, and/or depressed, or suffering from an autoimmune condition, there is something out of balance with the hormones that is feeding their disharmony.

One of the most sure-fire ways to keep your body in a hormonal cacophony is unmanaged excess weight. It's not always about obesity, either. Even 20 - 30 lbs. of extra weight can create enough hormonal "static" to generate all kinds of unpleasant symptoms and circumstances, such as those listed above.

So, in just about every case where one of my patients is significantly overweight, I take it upon myself to educate them about how that weight is part of the other problem(s) they want my help with.

In conventional medicine, obesity is now acknowledged as a major contributing factor in most chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes, and others. In Chinese Medicine, for centuries the sages followed the fundamental principle that a body that accumulates "dampness" (a physiological concept that includes what we now know as excess fat) cannot function properly because the dampness "clogs" the free flow of Qi and Blood (vital energy and nutrients) throughout the body.

When Qi and Blood cannot flow where they need to go when they need to get there, the result is like damming a river -- everything downstream that depends on the flow of water will suffer. Hence, obstructed Qi and Blood flow causes the organs, cells, and tissues that depend on it to have difficulty. And, as a result, we don't feel so good. If prolonged, the lack of Qi and Blood can cause serious diseases like those mentioned above.

So, keeping this obstructive dampness to a minimum should always be an important maintenance task for health and wellness.

To keep this dampness to a minimum, you must employ a long-term strategy. And, this is where most people have difficulty because it requires a fundamental change to how you eat.

And, THAT is the secret, my friends. It's that simple.

Losing the weight is one thing. There are many, many ways to go about that. Sometimes you have to be patient with your body because it is "wound up" into a vicious cycle hormonally, so it may take a while to even START losing the weight. (That's a topic for another day). But, once you have achieved a new physiological balance and lost the weight, you MUST literally change your entire way of eating.

In my next seminar, The Tao of Healthy Weight Loss, on August 1st, 2010 at NiaMoves, I will go into detail about the specifics of how to make that change and then keep it going. It is literally learning a new way of life, a healthy way of life, a way of life that increases and sustains your Life Force, instead of decreasing and depleting it. We will talk about the role that hormones, food choices, exercise, and stress play in weight issues.

And, I will teach you how to devise your OWN way out of your struggles with achieving and maintaining your healthy weight.

Early bird registration ends this Saturday, July 24th, so take advantage of that. Past attendees have always given me great feedback on this seminar. I want you to take advantage of this opportunity as well. I really hope to see you there!

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Courage to Change

Change isn't easy. The nature of life is to keep things in a pattern that is predictable, repeatable, and safe. All living things -- including humans, birds, dolphins, even plants, and any other organism -- naturally seek safety, comfort, and survival via the path of least resistance.

We know that it doesn't always work out so well when we try to take the most comfortable road. Where there is order, there is chaos, and chaos always comes in to shake things up and challenge us. Whether it is a major storm, a layoff, an accident, or any other unforeseen drastic event, chaos brings with it stress and struggle, as well as opportunity for growth.

In fact, life is constantly beckoning us to change -- sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It is impossible to stand still and those of us who fight the currents of change by trying to stay the same are fighting the Universal life force itself. That's when life is always a struggle, a challenge, and things never seem to go "our way".

One of the things I love most about what I do is that I get to meet amazing people who want to change. They come to me to help them facilitate that change in their lives. Whether it is losing weight, reducing anxiety, getting pregnant, or navigating menopausal changes, all of my patients are seeking to CREATE change.

And, this takes a lot of courage.

It is easy to just stay where we are. In fact, the majority of people will suffer through a life of mediocrity and poor health as long as it is safe and predictable. This is by no means a character flaw or something to criticize. It is simply an urge born of the desire to avoid pain. The thought of change can be very scary and I don't blame anyone for wanting to avoid upheaval, chaos, and heartbreak.

But watching hundreds of people courageously step up to the proverbial plate and intentionally create change, I can tell you that the fear of change is entirely unwarranted. Positive, self-motivated change is always liberating, uplifting, and invigorating. It presents opportunities for growth that are unmatched anywhere in life.

The hard part for most of us is simply deciding to do it in the face of that one thing we all fear: The UNKNOWN.

I can tell you with absolute certainty, however, that when you choose to change out of a desire for self-improvement and increased life energy, you WILL succeed if you have the courage and will to start and follow through. The exact result may be unknown from where you stand today, but one thing is certain: You will be in a better place in due time. You will be changed for the better.

The longer I practice, the more I realize that all I do is help other facilitate change. My chosen methods of acupuncture, therapeutic nutrition, herbs, and coaching are powerful tools that create the conditions for change to occur. They open the door to physiological states where the body, mind, and spirit can shift into a new "normal", a new "routine", a new "easy and familiar" that brings the opportunity for increased health, happiness, and life energy.

But, in every case, it's the patient who courageously steps through that open door into a new way of being. It is an honor and privilege for me to be a part of that, no matter how large or small my role may be.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

3 Ways to Avoid Added Hormones in Meat - Dr. Weil's Daily Tip

Shocking, but true... Many conventional meat producers routinely use reproductive hormones to affect growth and development of their livestock. Estrogen and testosterone consumed via meat products is one way to potentially affect fertility, especially in those who are hormone-sensitive or who are predisposed to hormone imbalance. Dr. Weil's site has just posted a nice article on some simple ways to avoid these hormones when eating/purchasing meat.

3 Ways to Avoid Added Hormones in Meat - Dr. Weil's Daily Tip

My general recommendations to fertility patients is to follow a mostly-plant-based diet, with meat comprising at most 20% of any given day's intake. Even if you are not trying to conceive, a plant-based diet can do wonders to help harmonize hormonal function.

The life-giving energies in plants are second to none, being a natural blending of Sunlight (Yang), Earth, and water (Yin). Meats, on the other hand, are secondary sources of energy and, while nutritionally useful, they fall into the category of what I call "hormone-triggering foods".

If you have a health condition, it is a good idea to consult with your health practitioner before making any major changed. Be certain that your diet will support and not exacerbate your imbalance.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Longitudinal association of vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamin B-12 with depressive symptoms among older adults over time -- Skarupski et al., 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29413 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

"Vitamins B6 and B12 are essential nutrients required in the synthesis of many neurotransmitters including serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA, which are brain chemicals that help modulate mood, our emotional state and sleep."

Longitudinal association of vitamin B-6, folate, and vitamin B-12 with depressive symptoms among older adults over time -- Skarupski et al., 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29413 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Explaining the "Unexplained"

I see people all the time with "unexplained" infertility. They simply aren't getting pregnant, and nobody can tell them why. They've had all the medical tests, all the bloodwork and ultrasounds, and there is no "reason" they shouldn't be getting pregnant.

I am of the mindset that while certainly there are things that can't be explained, there is always a REASON that something happens. So, while we may not be able to explain why certain things, good and bad, happen in our lives, later we often are able to understand the reasons they did happen.

Most of the "unexplained" cases I see can be easily explained when we simply dig deeper than numbers on a blood test or results on an ultrasound. What foods is the patient eating? How much intimacy is there in the relationship? Are they at a healthy weight? Do they know how to track their ovulation? Are their periods painful and difficult? Do they exercise at all, or do they exercise too much?

The above questions are just a starting point, and they are ones that are often left out of the equation at the doctor's office. So, when a doctor, or anyone, tells you your fertility problems are "unexplained", stop for a moment and ask yourself honestly, "Is there anything I'm doing or not doing that could explain why I'm not getting pregnant?" If you are not sure (and even if you are), you NEED to see a professional such as myself who can help you take an inventory and find subtle issues that could be getting in your way.

Often, the simple things can make all the difference... And, the answers are often so simple they elude us.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When Life Becomes Medicine - A Healing Story

Ellen, 44 and a mother of three lovely children, came to me for help with energy, weight gain, and "low motivation". She had seen a doctor friend of mine, who discovered low testosterone and had put her on a low-dose testosterone replacement regimen. This seemed to be helping some, but she still felt out of sorts. So, he referred her to me for general wellness care.

When I first met her, I was immediately struck with how sweet and sincere she was. She didn't mince words about some of the difficulties she experienced in her personal life, and she had a pretty good handle on how these might be affecting her adversely. She also had a sense that she was just not able to pull herself out of the lingering fatigue and lack of motivation she had been recently experiencing. It was bigger than just "picking herself up by the bootstraps" and making the most out of things. This was something physiological.

So, she embarked on her journey to improve her quality of life. This is one of the things I love about what I do. I don't see a lot of truly "sick" people (although when I do it is always an amazing experience helping them). I mostly see people who are not feeling well, who know something is "out of sorts", and who often have tried conventional medicine with limited or no success. To me, it is an absolute honor and privilege to be a catalyst for these people to get back on track with their lives. When they start to feel better, and are able to enjoy life again, this is something that to me is just priceless.

So, back to Ellen's story. After our intake, where I listened to all her symptoms, and her description of the flow of her life, it became apparent to me that Ellen suffered from something that drugs could not cure. This didn't mean she was hopeless. Far from it. In fact, all Ellen had to do was start collecting her energy back inward towards herself.

Ellen has three young children. The youngest was a surprise, and is about 5 years younger than the next older sibling. Just like any other conscientious mother, Ellen puts a lot of time and effort into raising her children. On top of that, she is also very active in non-profit work and frequently attends social gatherings. She admitted early on in our work together that she was the kind of person that was always there for others.

The problem was that Ellen, after so many years of sending her energy out towards other people's causes and needs, had forgotten to give something back to herself.

Life is energy. It's that simple. So, when we think of it this way, it makes a lot of things easier to understand. Every minute that Ellen was focusing on someone else, her energy was moving out and away from her. In some cases, that energy gets reflected back and we actually have a net gain of energy. This is what happens when we feel the thrill of watching our child succeed at something we have put a lot of effort into helping them with. Or, when we give something to somebody as a gift and see their happiness and joy, and this makes us feel good.

But, there are many, many ways to spend our energy where we really don't get much -- or anything -- back in return. Social gatherings can be draining, especially when we are doing them more out of "obligation". Even doing charity work, while honorable, can start to drain our energy as we can overextend ourselves even into this arena if we are not careful.

So, my main focus with Ellen was two-fold:
1) Get her to see and acknowledge how her life was draining her energy, and
2) Support her foundational energy as it was recovering from years of high outflow and low return

This all didn't happen overnight. It took some time for me to even get Ellen to buy into the fact that her life needed to change if she wanted to feel better. And, I'm not sure she ever "explicitly" agreed with me. But, something amazing happened after about 8 weeks which let me know that she was well on the road to solving her issue.

She came in for her weekly visit, sat down, and told me that she had decided to quit her job to start her own business.

If that doesn't indicate increased motivation and energy, I don't know what does.

She had always wanted to start this business because it involves something she has a passion for. But quitting her job was scary to her because she was afraid of how her employer (and friend) would react to her resignation.

Now, however, she saw clearly that this was the direction she needed to go, and she was ready to move.

After I heard this, I told her, "Well, looks like we're done." And, I was serious. On the part with increased energy and motivation, we are certainly finished. Now, we just have to maintain it, and make sure to nurture it along as it continues to grow.

She is still coming to work on losing some weight (which, as many of us know, takes a bit of motivation as well). And, every time I see her I think about how far she's come in such a short amount of time.

The moral of this story is that the life change itself is the medicine. She is moving out on her own, doing something creative that involves her passion. This is a way of giving back to herself that I'm not sure she's ever experienced. On top of that, through our work together she now has a handle on the fact that she can't spread herself too thin, that she HAS to keep checking in with herself to make sure what she is giving back to herself is in balance with what she is giving out to others.

She will falter again, we all do. But, now when she starts to get out of balance she will have the tools and knowledge to do something about it, to receive that "life medicine" that only SHE can give to herself.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another helpful Acupuncture research study

Here we have another instance of science again discovering another mechanism by which acupuncture heals. I would like to congratulate the researchers for doing this important work.

I love studies like this because, at the very least, they show that the acupuncture effect is not placebo. After all, in this study, the experimental subjects are mice who have no idea they are "supposed" to feel better. I'm sure they have some level of intelligence, but they aren't believing anything in particular about the effects the acupuncture might have.

We also have other studies that independently demonstrate that acupuncture can:
- decrease stress hormone activity
- increase beta-endorphin (pleasure hormone) levels
- adjust blood flow patterns in tissues both local to and remote from the needle insertion site
- modulate brain activity based on where the needles are placed, even to the point of causing increased salivation when a needle is placed in the hand

Yet, the detractors continue their attacks, which just boggles my mind. At the very least, we can all acknowledge that the human body is an exquisitely intricate self-healing entity, and that the pathways for inducing change in it are likely infinite. And, at most, we can even seriously entertain the idea that the body is an intelligent entity that is capable of responding to needle insertion at various locations in an intelligent way, and in a different way depending on the insertion pattern.

The latter is what I have come not just to believe, but to KNOW based on experience of doing several thousand acupuncture treatments and watching the response unfold over days, weeks, and even years of repeated treatments. It is nothing short of amazing and a testament to the amazing transformative power encapsulated inside these wonderful bodies we inhabit.

The article:
Adenosine Is Key to Acupuncture's Effectiveness -

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Making SPACE for Change - A Fertility Story With a New Beginning

I have a patient -- let's call her "Lucy". Actually she WAS my patient, and now she is again. This is because about 6 months ago she started seeing me for fertility issues. A couple of months later she drifted off as she did not conceive and she and her husband finally decided to move forward with the adoption process.

When we first started working together, I told her that I just KNEW she could get pregnant, despite all the doom and gloom she had received from her fertility doctor at the time. I have a lot of fertility doctor friends, and they know that I am not talking about them. :-)

She was so wound up, anxious, and upset about her seeming inability to get pregnant. I knew this was a main issue. She was also overweight. So, as I often do, instead of making the focus about fertility, I told her we just had to help her lose weight, and she would be fine, hoping this would at least get her to focus on something else for a while.

That didn't work though, which is fine. Life, and Vital Energy, have their own way of moving, and each individual needs the freedom to choose how they move with it. So, she never was able to really extricate her mind from the darkness of her fertility struggle.

Her husband also came to see me. Actually, he had a more significant issue with his fertility than she did. I knew this. I worked with him aggressively with nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, etc. All parameters of his fertility improved significantly, but it wasn't enough to change the outcome. By January of this year, as I mentioned above, they decided to move on and start the adoption process.

They did the home visit, met some potential foster kids, and even prepared the rooms. I can only imagine how excited they were starting to feel. "Finally, we are going to have our family." That heart-opening, receiving energy is so beautiful and deep.

And, Lucy's back at my clinic -- because she's pregnant. She's floored about it, but I'm not.

What happened is easy to explain. First off, they conceived about 120 days since her husband completed his treatment program with me. That's about the timeframe it takes for a complete turnover of sperm.

Second, they started MAKING SPACE in their lives for a child. This is something that I sometimes have to work with people on -- a LOT.

Third, they stopped trying so hard. Sometimes trying hard actually blocks the result. We've all heard "stop trying so hard", but that's not so easy to do. Yet, when we relax and allow natural flow to whatever we do, things work a lot more easily. So, they simply had fun, had sex, and voila!

I see a lot of women that are working 50 hours a week, pushing themselves very hard to ascend the corporate ladder. Lucy did not fall into this category, but the end result was similar. With Lucy, the constriction and lack of space was being caused by her anxiety and obsessive worry. Whether it is psychological or lack of time doesn't matter. Your body simply KNOWS when there's no room for a baby.

I love these kinds of stories. In a world where we attempt to force everything into a little logical box, with chemicals, hormones, and cells, it is good to be reminded that the true spirit of life is more than the sum total of all of that. Chemicals and hormones can describe a little piece of the puzzle. But, there is so much that lives beyond the world of numbers, logic, and analysis.

So, if there's something you want that you're not getting, stop and ask yourself: Am I making space for it?

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Physics of Horomonal Balance (or Lack Thereof)

In medicine, and in life, we have the concept of the "vicious cycle". A vicious cycle is a pattern that feeds on itself, continually increasing and increasing its momentum.

A hurricane is, in a way, an example of a vicious cycle. Convection begins at a focal point. That convection then feeds more and more until we have a vast, spinning air mass. The hurricane, in essence, creates itself by an ever-increasing, self-perpetuating spin.

But, a hurricane CAN be broken. It depends on sea water temperature because warmth/heat = movement/activity. So, heat is the one core factor that can break the vicious cycle of a hurricane - without it, the cycle no longer feeds itself.

Hormones operate under the same law of physics, actually. And, hormones are just as capable of winding up and up and up until a storm ensues. Those storms always have a factor that, if adjusted, can begin the wind-down process. There's no one factor that applies in every case, though. That's the difficult thing when trying to solve these storms.

What we forget sometimes is that a hurricane at one time starts as a small mass of warm air that starts spinning. That's it. That's all it takes before, several days later, we end up with the big mass of wet, windy, destructive atmosphere we call "hurricane".

Hormonal "storms" -- unrelenting and worsening fatigue, insomnia, appetite issues, depression, anxiety, menstrual issues, you name it -- start in similar fashion. Something as seemingly infitesimal as one meal with too much sugar, or one night with a little too much to drink, or one episode of uncontrolled rage, can launch a cascade of events that, if not reharmonized and managed correctly, end up becoming a vicious cycle that feels worse, and worse, and worse.

Until one day you end up feeling very sick.

So, the question is, are you winding up into a vicious cycle that is taking you in a destructive direction? If so, here are three simple tips to help your body start to unwind itself fast:

1. Drink 3 - 4 liters of water daily.
2. Stop all sugar and alcohol consumption for 2 - 4 weeks.
3. Get 8 hours of sleep (minimum) every night of the week.

If you don't feel better after these three steps, seek help from a qualified practitioner. Often they are able to pinpoint the "breaking factor" that will break the cycle and start you heading in the other direction -- a healthy cycle that feeds itself and leads to more vitality, health, and happiness.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Is Your Body Arguing With Itself?

Hormones are the language our body uses to communicate with itself. The brain sends out hormones to tell organs and tissues what to do. Some of those organs in turn create other hormones that in turn convey additional information to our cells. These hormones eventually make their way back to the brain, which secretes other hormones based on the information.

And, the cycle goes on and on.

Hormones have the power to increase and decrease function in the body. They also have the ability to compete with, augment, and cancel each other out. Just like a conversation between a group of coworkers in a meeting.

How we eat, feel, think, and act has a great deal of influence on our internal hormonal conversation. If what we are eating, doing, and thinking is creating stress and conflict, our hormones reflect this as they do their best to sort out the competing signals and compensate for the stress of unstable chemicals. As coworkers, our cells and organs begin fighting and screaming at each other as they try to cope. The end result is poor response to stress, disease, inflammation, and other "business" the body must constantly take care of.

If we are consciously creating less stress by eating well, acting and thinking positively, and exercising regularly, our internal hormonal conversation is more harmonious. The "meeting of the minds" between our organs and cells goes smoothly, and the result is a body that is efficient and effective at handling the challenges of life.

My Next Seminar Is All About Hormones...

In my upcoming seminar, The Tao of Hormones, just one of many things I will teach you about is how to optimize your diet around hormonal wellness, and how to optimize your ability to create and respond to your own hormones using natural, non-invasive, low-risk techniques.

This, and the other information you receive, is based on the principles I use with my patients every day -- principles that combine the best of biomedical knowledge with ancient Chinese Medical holistic wisdom.

Today and at the seminar, you have the opportunity to sign up for a free, 30-minute consultation at my clinic. At that consultation, we will discuss your hormonal concerns, and how a series of acupuncture treatments and personalized coaching might be your best way to get you back into balance.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fathers Get Postpartum Depression Too

Postpartum depression is an issue usually associated with new mothers, but a new study has found that a significant number of men also suffer a form of this condition. Researchers found that about one in 10 new fathers experience postpartum depression, and that three months after the birth of their child, 25 percent of men met the criteria for depression.


This Sunday's Live Seminar: The Tao of Hormones

This month's seminar: The Tao of Hormones. Sunday, May 23rd, 3-5 PM at Niamoves in the Houston Heights.

For more information and online registration, visit our event page.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fish Oil Lowers Risk of Endometriosis

A study that presents compelling evidence that diets high in Omega fatty acids (like those contained in fish oil) reduces endometriosis risk. Something like this always intrigues me because I view most, if not all, chronic diseases as inflammation gone awry. We know that the main effect of fish oils, and the beneficial fatty acids they supply, is to balance the body's innate inflammatory response so that it does not spin out of control.

Food for thought -- reduce systemic inflammation, reduce endometriosis. In other words, the hormones and hormonal treatments currently used in conventional medicine only stop the growth. If the inflammatory cascade is not addressed, it will likely just come back. And, I have seen this time and again with patients who come to me for treatment after one or more rounds of Lupron and/or surgery that only ends up being a temporary fix for the pain, heavy flow, and other symptoms that often accompany endometriosis.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Speaking tomorrow at The Fort Bend Church

I'll be speaking tomorrow at 10:30AM to a small women's group at The Fort Bend Church. I'm really looking forward to it!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Maybe You're Not "Running Out of Eggs" After All!

A recent research study is casting doubt on the whole "running out of eggs" theory that many doctors use to explain why a woman is having trouble ovulating:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Translating the Language of Your Body

I am amazed at what the human body is capable of communicating about itself. So much of what I do is about helping reflect back to my patients what their bodies are imploring them to do. Stomach pain may be a request for less or more of a certain food group. Frequent headaches can be the body saying that more space needs to be created in the schedule for downtime. Irregular cycles may be the body saying that other aspects of life have become too stressful and reproduction is no longer a priority.

One essential requirement for the body to express, or speak, health and balance is an abundance of nutrients that support that balance. When I listen to a patient's story and their answers to my questions, I am listening to what her body is asking for. Then I recommend the foods, supplements, and treatment schedule that best answers the needs that are being expressed. Additionally, I will speak back to the patient to help her understand what her body is saying in plain language, so that she can begin to align her actions with the body's requests.

The results are often nothing short of amazing. I have seen years-long struggles with migraines, insomnia, infertility, and pain resolve in weeks or even less. This is because once the body knows it has been heard, and it begins to receive the answer it is looking for, its healing intelligence is amplified beyond any limit previously thought possible. I no longer just believe this. I see it as fact.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Has Your Doctor Ever Asked You What YOU Think?

I'm not the most opinionated guy anymore. Time and experience have both taught me that there is an inverse relationship between the number of opinions I hold and my level of contentment with life. So, generally speaking, most of what I do in my clinic is listen, and do my best to help people overcome the challenges they perceive as real in their lives. The less I focus on what I think is right for them, the more I am able to allow what is truly right for them in that moment to come through.

For now, at least, that has been working quite well.

Today I took that to a whole new level, and the results were absolutely stunning. The story follows. But, first, I want to set up the context so you understand how amazing this is.

Every new patient in my clinic must first complete a free 30-minute consultation. I do this for two reasons. First, I don't like to take money just for being me. I like to receive money in exchange for doing my work. If somebody comes to me and I honestly feel like I cannot help them, then I don't want to even initiate a formal doctor/patient relationship with them, and I definitely don't expect any payment. This, for me, keeps things clean and simple, and helps me sleep better at night.

The other reason I like the 30-minute consults is that there really is no pressure on anybody to do anything except be in the same room and have a discussion about possibilities. That type of energy, to me, is a wonderful way to begin a relationship with my new patients. They tell me their story, I listen and offer my honest assessment of whether I think I can help them, and some initial ideas about how we might go about it. From that initial visit, the stage is set for some very interesting healing possibilities, and in some way I think that becomes part of the healing energy that carries forward.

So, today I was doing a consultation. After hearing the story about what the main issue was, and asking a few questions to get some more specific information, I already had a good idea of where the root issue was.

The next thing I did was ask her, "So, what do YOU think the main problem is here?"

She paused. I think she was a little taken aback by the question. After all, I'm sure the majority of doctors never ask their patients this question. The usual process in conventional medicine is to order lab tests, read the results, and go forward from there. Not that this process doesn't work, because it can be amazingly precise.

But, in my world I almost never use lab tests. The only "studies" I do are a careful and complete investigation of the living, breathing bodymind that is sitting right there in front of me. And, trust me, there is a LOT of information within that realm if you know how to see it.

But, I digress. So, I asked her what she thought the problem was. And, her answer was simple, to the point, almost matter of fact... And, it was EXACTLY the same thing I was thinking.

In our quest for greater, faster, newer, more advanced technology, it is easy to forget that the greatest, most profound, and incomparable technology of all lives and breathes right here, inside each of us. That we literally ARE part of, infused with, and living within something that no human could have ever imagined, created, or engineered.

You can call it the Universe, God, Spirit, Christ, or whatever you want to call it. The bottom line is that each of us is part of it, and we can all tap into its wisdom. In fact, we already do whether we know it or not.

The question is, do you TRUST it? Or, do you QUESTION it? I can tell you, unequivocally, undoubtedly, that when you learn to hear and TRUST the wisdom that is already within you, the answer to every question arrives at the precise moment you need it, and your path becomes much less of a struggle.

My new patient above (and, yes, she will be coming to see me in a week for her full intake appointment) already knows the theme of her problem. And, I assure you that, without a doubt, your intuition is leading you in facing your current challenges.

The question is, will you follow?

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients.

Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How's Your Internal Climate?

It's an absolutely picture-perfect day here in Houston -- a "Chamber of Commerce" kind of day where there's not a cloud in the sky, the humidity is low, and the temperature is below 80 degrees. There's even a slight breeze blowing, which keeps things feeling light and cool.

On days like this, it's hard for me to feel tired or sluggish. There's something about the crisp, clean air and full-throttle sunshine that awakens me. I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment.

As I was driving to my clinic this morning, relishing the amazing weather, I started thinking about something I learned during my training in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's the principle of the microcosm.

The ancient medical sages maintain that as humans living on Earth, we are PART of nature, not separate from it. We are not just IN the environment, the environment is in us. There really is no separation between what is happening inside our bodies and what is happening outside. We only THINK that there is a barrier.

Days like today only highlight that wisdom for me, and make me even more sure and certain about its veracity. And, because I practice the system of medicine from where this wisdom emanates, it makes me more certain about the treatments and therapies I prescribe to my patients.

When someone comes to me, I'm not trying to diagnose a disease. Instead, I'm listening and observing so I can understand what their internal climate is. Are they too hot (inflamed)? Are they cold and damp (poor circulation, slow metabolism)? Have they become too hot and dry (dehydrated), or overly humid (sluggish metabolism and excess mucus/fluid)? There are a host of other facets that go into this evaluation, but in the end it is always about the BIG picture. This way, the treatment can get to the root of the issue, and quick.

So, I want to ask you, how is your internal climate these days? Do you feel light, active, cool, and crisp, like today's beautiful Houston weather? Or, has heat, cold, damp, or dryness settled in and started causing imbalances that can manifest as poor sleep, digestive problems, skin conditions, hormonal imbalance, depression, anxiety, etc.?

The conventional medical model has a tough time with these concepts, and this is because science is all about DIVIDING things into smaller and smaller components in order to understand them. This obsession with separation and division means that, for the most part, science observes human phenomena as being separate from the natural environment in which they occur. Lab tests are done in a lab, and almost no account is taken of external environment, climate or other factors. In fact, the goal of scientists doing studies is to ELIMINATE as much outside influence as possible.

While this practice has obviously proven useful in many ways, and has led to many amazing discoveries, it has also caused us to largely forget that we are in and of nature, and that nature's intelligence still lives, breathes, and speaks through our bodies.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients.

Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Acupuncture May Help Pregnant Women With Depression, Says University of Texas at Austin Pharmacy Researcher | The University of Texas at Austin

Acupuncture May Help Pregnant Women With Depression, Says University of Texas at Austin Pharmacy Researcher The University of Texas at Austin

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Fertility Enhancement and Women's Health,
is a recognized expert in women's health and fertility
enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his
easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients.

Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to fertility patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX.