While this explanation is technically correct according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (the medical system that includes acupuncture), it is hardly satisfactory to most Westerners, including myself. Even though I am a practicing acupuncturist, I still have a Western mind that is conditioned to love scientific, biological data.
After many years doing thousands of treatments, I have observed time and again acupuncture's remarkable efficacy. And, through these observations I have come to know acupuncture's mechanisms very intimately. I have seen pain disappear in the blink of an eye, and long-term chronic ailments like migraines, arthritis, and hormonal imbalance correct themselves in a matter of days or weeks. I have seen women previously unable to conceive go on to deliver beautiful, healthy babies.
Initially, these results left me dumbfounded. Even with all my training and indoctrination into the system of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, my Western brain could not comprehend how placing a few painless needles into a few points on the legs, arms, and torso could affect such a drastic change in the health of my patients.
Over the past 7 years since graduating from acupuncture school, I have taken countless courses and read many, many books on neuroendocrinology (the study of the connection between the brain, nervous system, and hormones), psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how emotions and thoughts affect the nervous system and immune function), and quantum physics. In hindsight, this was all in an attempt to better explain to myself what the heck was happening in my patients' bodies to produce these seemingly miraculous results.
Eventually I found a way to explain it to myself and my patients. And this understanding has become the foundation of how I practice every aspect of my art, including acupuncture, therapeutic nutrition, lifestyle coaching, and herbal medicine.
The explanation starts with the fact that your body is an incredibly subtle instrument of perception. In fact, its entire job is to interact with the external world while protecting itself from internal harm and healing itself when harm does occur. Your body does this every minute of every day, and will continue to do so as long as you live.
And, put simply, acupuncture amplifies this natural ability of your body to protect and heal itself, by stimulating that subtle mechanism to act when it may be having trouble getting started.
When the skin is punctured -- even with no sensation (as most of my patients experience little to no sensation with the needles) -- your nervous, immune, and circulatory systems perceive this and communicate the event to the rest of the body. The message travels literally at the speed of light, enters the brain, and from there a cascade of healing chemicals and signals are released in response. These signals are designed to enlist other parts of your body -- including glands, immune cells, bone marrow -- in a coordinated healing effort.
In short, acupuncture stimulates your body to start making and using its own medicine.
Because your body is a unified entity, all things are connected together. When that rush of medicine is released, it travels not only to the site of the acupuncture, it infuses your entire body with positive signals that unlock your healing response.
Additionally, the brain receives different signals different depending on where the needles are placed. This is because the brain knows which nerves are being stimulated, and it responds to each set of signals in a unique way, much like a radio makes different sounds based on the frequency to which it is tuned.
The end result is that with consistent, repeated acupuncture signals, your body reawakens its healing potential on multiple levels, and expresses that potential by repairing damaged tissue, calming overactive nerves, and replenishing depleted cells.
Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women's Healthcare, is a recognized expert in women's health, natural treatment of hormone imbalance, and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX. Visit the clinic website to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation.
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