Monday, May 17, 2010

Fish Oil Lowers Risk of Endometriosis

A study that presents compelling evidence that diets high in Omega fatty acids (like those contained in fish oil) reduces endometriosis risk. Something like this always intrigues me because I view most, if not all, chronic diseases as inflammation gone awry. We know that the main effect of fish oils, and the beneficial fatty acids they supply, is to balance the body's innate inflammatory response so that it does not spin out of control.

Food for thought -- reduce systemic inflammation, reduce endometriosis. In other words, the hormones and hormonal treatments currently used in conventional medicine only stop the growth. If the inflammatory cascade is not addressed, it will likely just come back. And, I have seen this time and again with patients who come to me for treatment after one or more rounds of Lupron and/or surgery that only ends up being a temporary fix for the pain, heavy flow, and other symptoms that often accompany endometriosis.


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