Friday, June 27, 2008

IVF - Whose Fault Is It When It Doesn't Work?

A patient once came to me for help after two failed IVF cycles. During our initial visit, she told me about a consultation she recently had with a local Reproductive Endocrinologist from whom she was seeking a second opinion. One of the things this R.E. told her was that the previous cycles most likely failed due to egg quality issues. This was in complete opposition to what the previous R.E. had told her. In his opinion, it was mostly her uterus.

The problem is, other than a slightly less-than-optimal hormone profile (mostly age-related), not one medical test reveals an obvious or serious physical or functional problem. So, most of what she is being told is based on nothing more than a pure, albeit educated, guess.

As you can imagine, it is more than a little distressing for this patient to hear two completely different ideas from two very educated, and well-respected, doctors. When an IVF fails, we all want to know "why". In fact, I think doctors, particularly in the IVF field, feel obligated to come up with a scientific explanation when things don't go as planned. Sometimes, there is an obvious, point-blank reason things didn't work: embryos didn't divide, or didn't fertilize; the follicles did not develop in the proper timeframe or quantity; the sperm sample was insufficient.

But, sometimes it just doesn't work. And, it's really nobody's fault. It's just that IVF is difficult, because it is nearly impossible for humankind to replicate nature.

Regardless of all this philosophizing, though, the question remains... What do we do different next time to ensure a better result? The answer lies in magnifying nature's power in your body, so that the natural intelligence has the best opportunity to express itself.

Most people believe that IVF is designed to just magically create a baby. And, it can and does work quite often. But, if your body isn't ready for new life to take root, all the IVF in the world will be useless. This is because IVF controls a very small, known subset of what it takes to achieve and maintain pregnancy. The rest is still controlled by the innate intelligence of your body.

The analogy I frequently use is this: No matter how much chemical fertilizer you pour on soil that is depleted of its vital nutrients, the results will be disappointing. But, add a small amount of chemical fertilizer to nutrient-dense soil, and the results will be stellar.

For the patient mentioned above, I recommended we focus 100% on nourishing her fertile potential via nutrition, herbal therapy, and some regular acupuncture visits. All of this has been tailored to her individual needs. In two months so far, her reproductive hormone levels have improved dramatically, as revealed by the monthly tests she is still getting from her RE clinic. She is beginning to express improved fertility markers on her own, without drugs, and even Western medicine admits that a woman with fertile markers BEFORE drugs will respond better AFTER administration of drugs.

But, something else, probably the most important thing, is happening. She is gaining confidence, and seeing that her body can rebalance itself given the chance has restored her trust in her own body.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Fertility Enhancement and Women's Health, is a recognized expert in women's health and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to fertility patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Food, Stress, and Healing - Important Considerations for Fertility Enhancement and IVF Preparation

I see a large number of patients who are undergoing In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and want to incorporate natural methods into their overall process. Some of these patients have tried to conceive for years with no success. Others have genetic or anatomical problems that make it difficult, if not impossible, to conceive on their own. In every case I have found that it is immensely helpful to do up-front preparation to make sure things go as well as possible. This preparation includes things like optimizing the diet, correcting deficiencies with nutritional supplementation, and providing techniques for stress management and emotional wellness. All of these components are vital to help the body cope with the immense amount of intervention that is about to take place.

At the very start of a medicated fertility cycle, the body is called into action to produce more reproductive hormones and follicles than it ever has before. Most people begin their fertility cycle like casual weekend runners suddenly entering a marathon without training for it. Some finish by sheer will, others have to drop out in the middle of the race. All are exposed to a greater risk for injury than their well-trained counterparts. So, the question is, why don't all IVF clinics make it routine to counsel their patients on diet, lifestyle, and exercise choices as part of the overall process? I wish I knew. I can only surmise that it is because conventional medicine has become so obsessed with glorious, high-tech interventions that is has forgotten about the subtle, low-tech interventions that harness the highly intelligent healing power of the human body.

When we talk about "healing", we are really talking about something the body does naturally on its own. The body's innate intelligence on how to "make itself whole" (heal) is unmatched by any medicine that humankind can create. A surgeon can cut, but it is the body that heals the cut. A drug can correct, but it is the body that responds to the correction.

In the system of medicine I practice, we take for granted that food can be a healer or a stressor, and thus we have no problem with strongly advocating for nutritional healing. Just as a difficult coworker can cause unwanted stress by being a nuisance, the foods we eat can cause stress in our bodies by being difficult to digest, assimilate, and utilize. Too much of certain nutrients, too little of others, low quailty nutrients, and eating at the wrong times can all increase the stress we put on our bodies through diet. The increase in stress then decreases the body's ability to adapt to change. The more the body has to occupy itself with adapting to nutritional stress, the less it is able to occupy itself with normal function. At a certain point, the body goes into survival mode, and at that point fertility becomes a secondary concern at most.

By eating the right foods, at the right times, with the right state of mind and intention, you give the body a chance to express its healing power in all its glory. You remove the obstacles, and open the door for deep healing on the cellular level. The body is no longer stressed and strained, it is nourished and sustained. This frees the body's healing intelligence to operate at full capacity, including the amazing intelligence of the reproductive process.

So, before doing an IVF cycle, why not maximize your body's capacity to heal by optimizing your diet? In doing so, you will be giving yourself a distinct advantage and increasing your chance for a successful, full-term pregnancy. The reasoning behind this is simple, common sense, and absolutely true -- a more harmonious internal environment gives your body the best chance to produce healthier eggs, achieve optimal blood flow, regulate its immune signals appropriately, and support the growth of a healthy, well-nourished baby.

The question then becomes, "Where do I start?" Start with individualized, comprehensive coaching from a professional. By using the services of a professional, you will be getting right to the point, rather than trying several things on your own and potentially wasting time. If you can find someone who has a fertility focus to their practice, even better. They will be able to understand your specific needs around fertility, and will be able to help you based on the information in your lab tests and other diagnostic results. They will also be able to coach you based on intimate knowledge of the fertility treatment process.

I invite you to learn more about the programs I offer for both remote and local patients. You will receive targeted, individualized advice and support that will go a long way towards maximizing your chance for success.

Chris Axelrad, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., FABORM, director of the Axelrad Clinic for Natural Fertility Enhancement and Women's Health, is a recognized expert in women's health and fertility enhancement using Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with conventional medical knowledge. He is known for his easy-going manner and sincere compassion for his patients. Mr. Axelrad provides coaching and support to fertility patients across the country via his remote treatment programs, and he also maintains a busy full-time specialty clinical practice in Houston, TX.